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About Angryjuan…

Who is Angryjuan?

I am neither “ANGRY” nor “JUAN”, I am Tony Ritz, an enthusiast of everything automotive. I have been involved, on a professional level, with both domestic and import automobiles since 1962. My passion turned to owning and operating my own import auto repair facility for 54 years. When the internet began its popularity and online sales were the wave of the future, ANGRYJUAN turned out to be a moniker that I chose for online endeavors and the name stuck!

Having concentrated on assisting fellow enthusiasts with buying, selling and restoring automotive treasures since the mid 80’s as part of my core business, I expanded my efforts to representing enthusiasts with the buying and selling process. I offer my services to owners and collectors of special interest vehicles, parts, and memorabilia and can assist with research, inspection, qualification, negotiation, buying and/or selling.

I take an abundance of pride in my presentation and reputation and only involve myself with quality merchandise. Feel free to stop by my “done deals” page to browse vehicles I’ve had the pleasure of representing. A referral list of satisfied clients is also available on request.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my website. I sincerely hope you will return when looking for that special treasure for the car room.

Please call, text, or email me with any questions.

Tony Ritz

tony photo